There are several factors which determine how fast you will build muscle. One factor is proper strength training. You will only be able to build muscle if you have an effective strength training workout. One which truly puts your muscles to their limits.
The other factor is a proper meal plan. If you want to get ripped, bulk up, or just build some muscle, you are going to need a good meal plan. A meal meal with a good amount of protein, carbs, fats. Below are 5 killer strength training workouts, which will help you build muscle fast.
1) 1 Arm Dumbbell Rom - In order to perform this exercises, get a dumbbell and a bench. With one hand hold the dumbbell and place your other hand on the bench for support. To start, the dumbbell should be hanging, using your shoulder bring the dumbbell up to your chest. Then slowly lower the dumbbell to the starting position. Be sure to keep your elbow tight to your side. Perform for 3 sets of 10-12 reps each.
2) Push Aways - With resistance bands wrapped around a pole and your back to the pole, grab the resistance bands from behind your head. With resistance band handles in each hand, walk a few steps out to where the bands have tension. Then in a staggered stance, bring your arms forward until your elbows are straight, then slowly bring them back to behind your head. Perform for 3 sets of 10-12 reps each.
3) Pull Ups - I'm sure you have heard and know what a pull up is, but if you do not here is what to do. Find a horizontal bar and wrap your fingers around it. Then pull yourself up. To do this the most effective way, pull up in 1 second and let your self down in 2 seconds. Perform this for 3 sets of 10 - 12 reps each. Do not touch the ground during a set.
4) Dumbbell Press - To perform this exercise, grab two dumbbells of the same weight and lay down on a bench. With a dumbbell in each hand raise them up till your elbows are straight, then lower them slowly. To this for 3 sets of 10-12 each.
5) Squats with a dumbbell Twist - To perform this exercise, grab two dumbbells of same weight. Stand straight and with the dumbbells at your shoulder. Your arm elbow should make a 90 degree angle. Lower your body downward as far as you can without hurting yourself or losing balance. Then using your leg muscle, drive your your body back up. Once you stand up, raise the dumbbells straight upward and then bring them back down to the starting position slowly. Repeat for 3 sets of 10-12 reps each.
This are very easy, yet effective strength training workouts. However, your body reaches a plateau when you repeat the same exercises over and over again. They simply because ineffective. It is best to have a wide variety of exercises to perform, along with a high protein, healthy diet.
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